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The Lodge Officers are formed at the beginning of each year and then installed or invested into Office for that ensuing year.
There are a number of progressive and non-progressive officers in each Lodge.
The progressive line, also known as "going through the chairs”, is a line of succession that moves up one position at a time from one year to the next.
In a perfect set of circumstances, each man simply advances each year, learning each position’s duties and a portion of the Masonic ceremonies. By the time he becomes Worshipful Master of the Lodge, he has sat in every chair other than the non-progressive officers, which are fulfilled by a suitable Past Master.
Each Lodge Officer wears a collar with a relevant emblem or 'Jewel' appropriate to their Office.  

Masonic Worshipful Masters Collar from Craigantlet 486
A Lodge Collar with the Worshipful Masters Jewel attached

Lodge Officers for 2025

Worshipful Master -
Senior Warden -
Junior Warden -

Senior Deacon -

Junior Deacon -

Inner Guard -


Treasurer* -
Secretary* -
Director of Ceremonies* -
Steward of Charities* -
Almoner* -
Chaplain* -

W. Bro. WA Campbell

W. Bro. SJ Boyce PPGS

V.W. Bro. TA Luney PPJGW

V.W. Bro FJ Craig PPJGW

Bro. C Morrow

W. Bro RH Bryans


V.W. Bro. TA Luney PPJGW

W. Bro MG Robson

W. Bro. G Best

W. Bro. SJ Boyce PPGS

V.W. Bro. TA Luney PPJGW

W. Bro. S Bryans


(* - Non Progressive Office)

Role of the Lodge Officers

The Progressive Officers

Inner Guard Jewel
Inner Guard

The Inner Guard sits just inside the door of the Lodge. He is responsible for checking that all those who enter the Lodge are qualified to do so.


Junior and Senior Deacon Jewel
Junior and Senior Deacons

The Deacons accompany the candidate during the ceremonies of the Three Degrees in the Lodge. The collar jewel for both Deacons is identical. They carry a wand as a badge of their office.


Junior Warden Jewel
Junior Warden

The Junior Warden sits in the South of the Lodge and will normally progress to Senior Warden. It is the role of the Junior Warden to ensure that no unqualified person enters the Lodge. 


Senior Warden Jewel
Senior Warden

The Senior Warden sits opposite the Master at the West end of the Lodge and is usually the next Master.


Worshipful Master Jewel
The Master (Worshipful Master)

The Master is elected by the Lodge members every year and is then installed in to his office. He is usually Master for one year and is in charge of the Lodge during his tenure of office and acts as its chairman. He also normally conducts the ceremonies in the Lodge.

Being elected and installed as Master is the highest honour a Lodge can bestow on any of its members.

The Non-Progressive Officers

These offices are usually occupied by members who are Past Masters of the Lodge and tend to be occupied by the same person for a number of years, to provide continuity and experience.

Treasurer Jewel
Secretary Jewel

The Treasurer is responsible for Lodge finances. He produces annual accounts, which are audited before being approved by the Lodge.



The Secretary has responsibility for the smooth administration of the Lodge. He is responsible for organising and distributing the summons notifying the members of the agenda for the next meeting, and also for recording minutes and dealing with correspondence. 


Director of Ceremonies Jewel
Director of Ceremonies

The role of the Director of Ceremonies is to organise and oversee the ceremonies held in the Lodge and to ensure all other officers concerned in any ritual are aware of their roles. This is usually achieved by meticulous rehearsals. It is also part of his responsibilities to see that the ceremonies are conducted with dignity and decorum.


Almoner Jewel

The Almoner is the Lodge welfare officer. He maintains contact with the widows of members and with those who are ill or indisposed. He is also trained to assist those who are in financial need. He therefore has a knowledge of the variety of resources that exist in time of need.


Stewaes of Charities 3_edited.jpg
Steward of Charities

The role of the Steward of Charities is to organise the charity collections in the Lodge and to suggest to the Lodge to which charities (Masonic or non-Masonic) the members may wish to subscribe.


Chaplain Jewel

All meetings begin and end with prayer and it is the role of the Lodge Chaplain to lead the members in this part of the meeting.


Masonic Apron Craigantlet 486
Masonic Apron Badge Craigantlet 486
Masonic Apron Craigantlet 486
Masonic Apron
Masonic Apron
Masonic Apron

Lodge Officers 

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