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Visit to Freemasons Hall, Dublin

Freemasons Hall, Molesworth St, Dublin

This weekend Brethren from Craigantlet 486 joined their Brethren from Temple 51, who sit at Arthur Square, Belfast, for a visit to the Grand Lodge of Ireland at Freemasons Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin.

After an exceptional fried breakfast en route, at Newry Masonic Hall, the Brethren were treated to an informative guided tour of the Newry Masonic Hall, which was provided by local Brethren.

Upon arrival at the Grand Lodge of Ireland at Freemasons Hall, Dublin, the Degree Team from Temple 51 conferred an exceptional 1st Degree on their new candidate.

What a great way to be initiated into Freemasonry!

Brethren from Temple 51 & Craigantlet 486 with the newly initiated Entered Apprentice front centre

After the meeting an impressive guided tour of Freemasons Hall was provided by the Head Tyler which everyone found amazing.

The different Lodge rooms are a credit to everyone involved.

The Grand Lodge Room

The Chapter Room

The Knights Templar Room

The tour is highly recommended and is open to Freemasons and members of the public.

During the return journey to Belfast, a ballot on the coach raised £335 for the Alzheimer’s Society.

A great day was had by all!


Further information on Freemasons Hall, can be viewed in the video below:

Public tours of Freemasons’ Hall are available at 3.00 p.m. every weekday, commencing 1st April 2022.

Booking is not required and the contribution is 5 euros per person.

It is not possible to hold tours when there are major events, some of which are arranged at short notice.

Therefore, if you are making a special trip to Freemasons' Hall, please make contact to make sure that tours are running on the day of your visit.


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